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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 14, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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new this morning, pg & e shareholders meeting in san francisco draws protesters as it begins. i'm christie smith, i'll tell you what they're upset with coming up in a live report. yahoo reeling from the major shake-up after ceo scott thompson announces his resignation. plus, one of wall street's biggest banks losing three top officials this week after reporting huge losses. why the ceo says it never should've happened. and a live look outside bright and early this morning, that is the golden gate bridge. traffic flowing along on this monday, may 14th, "today in the bay."
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a very good monday morning, everybody, it is just moments before 4:30. i'm jon kelley, almost 4:31. >> crazy how time is flying by. let's get ready to go. i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's check that forecast with christina loren. >> good morning. so close for school being out for summertime, as well. 54 in sunnyvale, 53 in san jose. getting a taste of spring just about all week long. your full forecast will reveal temperatures on par with the seasonal averages. a little bit of a change toward the midsection of the week. you know we have just a little overnight roadwork but a full closure for one of these onramps here. southbound 880 down to southbound 280, that transition ramp is currently closed by construction. and you see some slowing approaching the scene, you connect over there. you can use winchester on 280, as well and surface streets, there's a detour posted there.
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but you might want to be prepared when you get there. northbound on 280, sounds like that crew's clearing. the option is a pass by it on the freeway, as well and loop by to the other direction. the rest of the south bay is fine, what else is going oncoming up. >> thank you. >> looks like a pretty good day shaping up. shareholders gathering in san francisco this morning and so will the protesters. >> the event expected to draw extra attention this year. christie smith live in san francisco on what's attracting protests this time. >> good morning. yeah, this shareholders meeting normally pretty quiet should be eventful this year. protesters are saying they plan to be here in san francisco at the same time that the ceo is giving a mid-year update on how business is doing with the utility. protesters are holding a take back your power rally this morning saying the utility has a history of trading profit for safety. they're putting to the san bruno explosion and the smart grid which they say is costing consumers dearly.
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this comes at the same time that assemblyman jerry hill is unveiling utility executives legislation that would require executives to return bonuses if the utility is fined for violations that occur under their watch. now, according to the press information this morning, this comes as the former ceo left the company with a multimillion dollar payout in the wake of that san bruno explosion. now, the protest gets underway at 9:00 this morning at the same time that the ceo here is holding a press conference. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." san bruno welcoming home victims who survive that deadly pg & e pipeline explosion 18 months after the disaster. tonight, people in san bruno plan to celebrate the progress that's been made in the crestmore neighborhood since 2010. that blast killed eight people, destroyed 38 homes, and so far, only two families have actually moved back into the area and a handful of others are on the verge now. those who are back and those who
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are coming back will be recognized in a ceremony later on today. 4:33. yahoo has a new interim ceo after scott thompson stepped down over the weekend. thompson came under fire more than a week ago. when one of yahoo's top investors pointed out there was a fake computer science degree on his resume. thompson denied lying about his credentials and blamed an executive recruiter for padding that resume. tech analysts says thompson's case is likely not unique and could cause other companies to scrutinize their own employees. >> now undoubtedly there are a lot of people sweating bullets either who have false backgrounds or who may have been incidental with hiring people with false backgrounds and both of those groups are at risk. >> thompson leaves yahoo after four months on the job. executive vice president has been named interim ceo. he's the fourth person to lead yahoo in four years. more on what that means from
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scott mcgrew coming up in about 30 minutes. in the meantime, one of the biggest banks on wall street is preparing for three resignations from top executives this week. the chief investment officer for jpmorgan chase is expected to step down along with two people who worked under her. the company reported last week it lost $2 billion in risky investments. >> we made a terrible egregious mistake. took far too much risk, the strategy we had was barely vetted. it was barely monitored. it should have never have happened. >> jpmorgan's credit was downgraded and the company lost $15 billion in value. on the stock market after the loss was announced. we are following plenty of other developments in the business world this week including facebook's big ipo. coming up in ten minutes, we'll get a live report from cnbc with the latest on the markets. new this morning, a woman safe and a would be robber in custody thanks to two san francisco police officers in the right place at the right time. the officers were driving near
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fremont and mission boulevard when they heard a woman scream and saw her trying to fight off a man. when the suspects saw the officers, he pulled out a gun and police fired back at him. they didn't hit him. he ended up dropping his gun and surrendered. police say the suspect was likely trying to steal the woman's purse. jerry brown expected to release a revised budget today. expected to grow to $16 billion. the revised budget relies on heavily proposed tax hikes that will be on that november ballot. governor brown says raising taxes is the only way to avoid major cuts to public schools, colleges, and public safety. several rallies are planned across the state today calling on the governor to keep social safety programs intact. 4:36. there's a battle brewing over tobacco tax on the primary ballot. prop 29 would impose a statewide cigarette tax of an additional $1 per pack with the proceeds
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going to fund cancer research. supporters of the measure say the tobacco companies are being deceptive by running ads by saying not one penny goes to funding of cancer treatment. while that's true, the money would go to cancer research. >> we wrote the proposition and we know what's going to happen. it will save more than 104,000 lives, prevent 228,000 kids from smoking, and provide critical life-saving cancer research. >> we have so many other things that are not being funded like health care services in the state of california and education. and we believe that money should, if we are going to raise it in a tax increase, we'd spend on those things, not something, oh, it's worthwhile should not be a priority right now. >> prop 29 would generate about $800 million annually for cancer research. despite an agreement to pack up their encampments, many
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occupy the farm protesters are still staying put on a plot of land owned by uc berkeley. the university says protesters stayed on the property through the weekend. campus researchers are set to begin planting crops this week and berkeley administrators say they plan to "do what needs to be done to use the land." the protesters insist they'll continue to take care of the vegetables and fruit trees they've planted there, but will allow researchers to use the land, as well. >> we've made all the arrangements necessary for the university to be able -- the researchers to be able to come in and put in their plots and the university to come in and bring their tillers. we're counting on the assurances by the researchers that they won't disrupt the crops that we've put in. >> occupy the farm says it's trying to bring attention to empty land that could be used for a community garden. it is 4:38 right now. early on a monday morning, let's find out what it's going to be like the rest of the week.
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christina loren from the weather center. >> yeah, good morning to you. we've got a good-looking forecast for the week. temperatures ending up average for this time of year. so temperatures right about at normal. we don't like to use that word normal. we like to take everything over the course of the month and average it out. and this month has been rather warm as you know. we're going to get a week of full-on spring-like conditions. 53 in san jose, good morning to you in san francisco at 57 degrees there. headed toward the about 60s, low 60s at noon. not going to be all that warm. in fact, much cooler than every single day last week. 63 in fremont, 66 in san jose, rounding out the day in the low 70s. even the warmest cities around the bay. 72 degrees in san jose, 66 in santa cruz today and temperatures on the mild side right by the coast with a pretty good deck of clouds to start with. we'll see that sunshine through by about noon today. your seven-day outlook reveals that change toward the middle of this week.
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4:39 first. let's check your drive with mike. >> couple of accidents popped on to the system over here in fremont. the first one we point out is northbound 880 just past dakota road. reports of a car into the center divide on the northbound side. one lane is blocked, but no injuries from what i understand. watch for the flashing lights to occur. we're also following highway 84 at niles boulevard or just off of there, we have an accident, a car hit a deer in the area. and it's very dark, as well, coming into the winding road. be careful. it's got to be doing something for those lanes because there's not a lot of road on the side there for folks to get by. we'll follow both of these. meanwhile, 880 past the coliseum, light traffic volume here and no major construction through oakland as we travel up to the bay bridge toll plaza. at the limit and the toll plaza itself, light volume of traffic. no slowing. look at that, though, the fast track lane suddenly showing slowdown.
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we'll check that out. i'll check that and send it back to you guys. >> thank you very much. well, new toll lines in the south bay paying off big dividends. new express lanes around the interchange performing better than expected over a one-week period, the vta found more than 9,000 solo drivers paid to use those toll lanes. back in march, the vta converted a 4-mile stretch into expressway lanes. depending on traffic and the time of day, it costs solo drivers 30 cents to $6. 4:41, some elementary kids in san jose taking on the sharks. joe thornton will be at the elementary school along with sharks broadcasters to dedicate a new street hockey court. the special ceremony will be held at 1:30 this afternoon. thornton will play an inaugural game of hockey with those
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students. better be ready. new research and new worries for autistic children. why adults with autism have fewer job opportunities than those with other mental health problems. this morning, after shake-ups in major companies, we'll get a check of the markets coming up next. and facebook wants your input. find out whe cpany hosting a live web chat ahead of the big-time ipo.
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welcome back, everybody, on a monday morning. the sun is not risen yet over any of the bay area including that live look at san jose. but the lights are twinkling. we'll let you know about the traffic coming up. weather with christina loren, it is 4:45. resignations, your debt crisis, and a major tech ipo expected to have an impact on wall street this week. for a look at what's happened, we turn to live at cnbc world headquarters. good morning, jackie. >> good morning, laura. well, the futures are down sharply this morning over fresh concerns on europe's debt crisis. talks broke off without a deal this weekend. angela merkel also suffering a setback as her party lost in a regional election further weakening her position.
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european markets are in the red today. asia was mixed after china changed lending rules for the banks, and there's no economic data here in the u.s. today, but we are going to get reports this week on retail sales, consumer prices, housing, and minutes from last month's fed meeting. and the count down is also on to facebook's ipo which is expected to price on thursday evening and begin trading on friday. we saw the dow falling 34 points on friday to 12,820, the nasdaq edging up a fraction to 2,933. allied financial's mortgage unit could file for bankruptcy as soon as today. the board of residential capital met late on sunday. bankruptcy could clear the way for allied to revive the ipo plans which were put onhold last year as bad loans weighed on the company. they were bailed out in 2009 as part of the rescue of the auto industry. and finally, craving a sugar rush and a brain freeze but don't want those calories? well, seven-eleven is going to sell a low-cal slurpee made with
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splenda. it's targeted for women in their 20s and you can try it out for free on may 23rd when seven-eleven gives away samples calling it slurp-free day. >> just in time for summer. thank you so much. >> the world is right. healthy slurpes for all. facebook making changes to the privacy policy ahead of friday's ipo. holding a live q & a session to gather up input from users. trying to make the privacy policy more transparent. the new policy will be finalized after today's feedback session. now, not only is it a big week for facebook, guess what? big-time week for the founder. mark zuckerberg, it's his birthday. ripe old age of 28. half the age of the average ceos on the s&p 500. wall street observers say his maverick style might undergo a little bit of shift coming up in the next few months and years
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because he'll have to answer to shareholders as well as to more wall street investment firms, hedge funds, and pension funds. >> that's right. got to open the books. all right. hey, want to check the forecast right now with meteorologist christina loren. good weekend. >> good weekend for all the mamas out there, and good weekend. if you had a chance to get outdoors. we're going to have to deal with the cloud cover, the may gray is back in the bay area. 54 degrees in livermore this morning. nice and mild to start, 53 in san jose. and holding on to the upper 50s in san francisco, 57 degrees there. meanwhile, those 40s popping up on the temperature map. microclimates making things cool up in the north bay. i wanted to point out we are all in the moderate air quality range. for today, not in the unhealthy range yet. but no significant rainfall in the future, does look like our air quality will start to suffer. we'll be updating you on that each and every day. mild conditions for today as high pressure kind of takes a hike to the east. that means low 70s inland, and at the coast, the low 60s, as
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well. so much cooler on average than both saturday and sunday and every single day last week. and about 73 degrees in livermore. we're going to heat up just a touch for tomorrow, up to 80 degrees inland, 81 for wednesday. that's our warm-up this week. not talking about the low 90s, talking about the low 80s. and thursday into friday, those 70s return, more of an onshore flow. weekend looks fantastic for hitting the beach. that will be our fifth consecutive beach weekend. can't beat that around here, guys, back to you. >> no, don't jinx it. sounds good. 4:49 right now. president obama heads to the big apple delivering the keynote address in new york city. president will also receive the medal of distinction, the highest honor from the women's college. mr. obama will also attend a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender campaign event hosted by ricky martin at the museum of art.
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the president last week says he supports same-sex marriage. trial of former presidential candidate john edwards enters a new phase today. defense attorneys will begin presenting their case today in north carolina. edwards is accused of violating laws by filing money to his then pregnant mistress. crews in arizona continue battling wildfires on several fronts. one of the biggest has burned 2,500 acres in the toronto national forest since saturday. billowing smoke was visible as far as phoenix. air drops did help save some homes, but at least one structure was destroyed. it's one of the five weekend fires that burned some nine square miles. autism researchers say a new study sheds troubling light on the job prospects of autistic adults. the journal of pediatrics finds 1 in 3 young adults with autism or about 35% have no paid job
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experience, college, or technical schooling nearly seven years after high school graduation. those figures compared with 26% of mentally disabled young adults. researchers say in the next decade, 500,000 autistic children will reach adulthood. it's 4:51. the hottest talent show in america is back on the air tonight along with controversial new judge. we'll have a sneak peek of the show and why this season might be a little stranger than any you've seen before on "america's got talent." also iron man, thor, and captain america, the new records set by "the avengers" coming up. and highway 24 moves smoothly through the caldecott tunnel. where you have some spots to watch those brakes actually tap those brakes. we'll sort it out coming up. wanna hear a joke ?
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yeah. sure. sure. what's the number-one killer of women ? well, you're still here, so that rules out crankiness. and track suits. heart disease. what, that's a joke ? no, it's an absolute fact, but the american heart association says you can save lives by passing it along to five women you love. awww. awww ! so i'm starting with three i tolerate. that's a joke ! find out more at
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welcome back, everyone. taking a live look outside shark tank in san jose this morning. not a lot of traffic to report. at least not in that area. we'll check the morning commute with mike. 4:54. the summer's top-rated show, "america's got talent" with a brand new season tonight and a brand new judge. >> this seems like the nuttiest,
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craziest show this year. it's wild. >> the radio show host joining that mix expected to bring, of course, a little edge in the new season. you can expect to see the generally talented and those who think they're talented. fellow judge sharon osborne calls stern a softy and saying he cares for the contestants more than anybody else on the show. >> we'll see. we want to check the morning commute right now and help you get around with mike. >> good morning, folks. bay area traffic. not so much, 580 moving smoothly, nearby, county roads, tesla road, not a whole lot of folks there, but eastbound direction is closed at greenville road because of an accident, and we will just continue to monitor this as the morning goes along. but note that is an issue. but folks on tesla able to get by. more for 84, highway 84, well,
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that is got an accident and it was a deer that was hit. they have to take care of the rest of the situation there. but no injuries to the driver. 880 right before you get to dakota, there's an accident there on the southbound side also blocking one lane. look at that crossing from the north bay, no problems, visibility's not an issue, and the crews moved the cones for the morning commute. good stuff across the golden gate. back to you. another record-breaking weekend at the box office for "the avengers." >> iron man, captain america, the black widow and a few other characters, raked in another $103 million this week. and that means the movie has made more in the second weekend than any other film in history beating the previous record of $75 million by "avatar" back in 2009. the avengers passing an even bigger milestone bringing in $1 billion internationally since its release nearly 19 days ago. pretty good flick. checked it out. still ahead on "today in the
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bay," yahoo's ceo steps down. what's next for the silicon valley tech giant. more on the fallout and how it could affect other companies. and for all your news, weather, traffic updates, check us out on faceboareaearch nbc n. we bay area news. we're back in minutes. ea
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new this morning, shots fired after a woman screamed for help leads san francisco police to a crime in progress. the dramatic arrest just ahead. and yahoo is being run this morning by another interim ceo after that resume scandal gets the best of the former ceo. i'm marla tellez with the latest on this scandal coming up. >> reporter: and in just a few hours, pg & e's shareholders meeting in san francisco will be met by protesters. we'll tell you why they're upset coming up. and i'm christina loren. we're in the 50s to start.


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